Terms and conditions


These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter the "GTC") apply in their entirety as of December 2019, to all activities and services organised within the Musée de l'Illusion (hereinafter the "Services") and sold to individual customers and/or groups (hereinafter the "Customer(s)") by MUSÉE DE L'ILLUSION (hereinafter the "Seller").

The GTCs govern all sales of Services made at the Musée de l'Illusion counter or online on the Musée de l'Illusion website www.museedelillusion.fr (the "Website").

The Seller offers to Customers (i) entertainment and leisure Services in the form of a self-guided tour of the Musée de l'Illusion sold as a single ticket and (ii) any other ancillary service (shop, etc.).

For the purposes of the GTCs: "Admission Ticket" means a ticket or voucher allowing the Customer to take a self-guided tour of the Musée de l'Illusion on a specific date. Any purchase of one of the Services implies the Customer's unreserved acceptance of the GTC.


The Services described herein are organised and sold to Clients by :

PARIS&CRO, a simplified

joint stock company with a capital of 10,000 euros,

Registered office: 40 rue Alexandre Dumas 75011 Paris - France

Contact: Tel: ; EMAIL: [email protected]

Intracommunity VAT number: FR 56 848130605,

Registered with the Paris Register of Companies and Commerce under no. 848 130 605,

Insurer: Allianz Actif Pro N°60512591


The purchase of Services (hereinafter the "Order") is made :

- for Entrance

Tickets and tickets :

  • at the Vendor's ticket office at 98 rue Saint-Denis - 75001 Paris, every day of the year, except for exceptional closures,
  • online on the Website accessible from the following address: http://museedelillusion.fr and on the Paris Tourist Office Website from the following address: https://reservation.parisinfo.com.

A Customer may not reserve more than one hundred (100) admission Tickets per Order, regardless of the method of acquisition of said Tickets. All Orders must include the selected Services, the member and the age of the beneficiaries.

3.1. Online Orders

For any online Order, the Customer is invited to enter his/her surname, first name and e-mail address and then to select the type of entry and the desired date of completion. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1369-5 of the French Civil Code, the Customer shall have the opportunity to check the details of his/her Order and its total price, and if necessary to correct any errors before confirming it, thereby expressing his/her acceptance. In order to finalise the Order, the Customer must read the GTC, accept them by ticking the appropriate box and proceed with payment in accordance with Article 5. The Order shall only be firm and definitive once the Seller has received the full price. The sales contract is then deemed to have been formed. For all online Orders for Services, the Customer shall receive an email confirmation summarising his/her purchases, the price and the essential characteristics of the Services purchased. The confirmation email includes:

  • The debit note specifying the Services purchased,
  • The dematerialised access ticket(s) for the Packages and the Services.

The Order confirmation e-mail received by the Customer is deemed to be proof of the entire transaction in accordance with the provisions of law no. 2000-230 of 13 March 2000 and is the only document that is deemed authentic in the event of a dispute.


The applicable prices indicated on the communication media and on the Vendor's Internet Site are stipulated in euros and include all taxes (TTC). In general, and unless specifically stipulated otherwise, the price of the Services does not include any administrative costs, personal costs, additional services or insurance.

4.1. Admission tickets for self-guided tours

The price of an Admission

Ticket includes at least one visit to the Museum of Illusion for an adult or a child on the date or during the period of validity indicated on the Ticket. Children up to and including the age of four (4) are entitled to free admission to the Musée de l'Illusion. Children must be accompanied by an adult when visiting the Museum.


The full price must be paid in cash and in full at the time of the order and in euros.

5.1. Cash / Holiday vouchers / Gift vouchers

For all Orders placed at the Musée de l'Illusion cash desk, the Customer may pay by holiday/gift voucher or in cash. Cash payment by a Customer whose tax residence is in France is limited to the sum of €1,000 per Order pursuant to the provisions of articles L 112-6 and D.112-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. The holiday/gift voucher must be valid at the time of purchase and the Musée de l'Illusion must be a partner of the issuer of said voucher. The Seller does not give change for holiday/gift vouchers.

5.2. Credit card

For all Orders placed online or at the Musée de l'Illusion cash desk, the Customer may pay by credit card. Unless otherwise indicated at the time of the Order, only bank cards from the CARTE BLEUE/VISA and EUROCARD/MASTERCARD networks are accepted. The Customer's bank account will be debited with the price of the Order as soon as it has been confirmed. For all Orders placed at the Musée de l'Illusion's cash desk, the proof of payment will be issued to the Client immediately upon payment. In the case of online Orders, the Customer shall be able to consult the payment receipt automatically after placing the Order, on the confirmation page and on the Customer account created for this purpose on the Vendor's Web Site.

5.3. Bank cheques

Only bank cheques drawn on a bank account opened in France and made payable to the Seller shall be accepted. Customers who choose this method of payment must present a valid form of identification for any Order placed at the counter.

5.4. Payment security

Electronic payments made within the framework of online Orders on the Vendor's Web Site are secured by the use of a payment solution that guarantees the confidentiality and security of data.


For all Orders placed at the Musée de l'Illusion cash desk, the Customer shall immediately receive his/her admission ticket. For all online Orders, the dematerialized admission tickets (E-tickets, E-Vouchers) are sent by email immediately after the payment of the online Order.


7.1. Admission ticket

A dated Admission Ticket is only valid for the date and/or time slot selected. Admission Tickets are checked at the entrance to the Musée de l'Illusion. In this context, the Seller reserves the right to check the identity of the Customers holding the Admission Tickets and their discount conditions.

The Customer with a dematerialized admission ticket (E-ticket) can access the ordered Service directly. The dematerialized admission ticket (E-ticket) is only valid if it is printed on white paper, blank on both sides, or if it is displayed on a mobile phone screen such as a Smartphone. The Customer remains solely responsible for the use made of his Entry Ticket(s). An entry Ticket that is damaged, has an illegible number or has already been read will be considered invalid.


8.1. On the part of the Customer

Admission Tickets for self-guided tours and related services are not refundable, exchangeable or modifiable.

In accordance with the provisions of article L.221-28 12° of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for the purchase of "accommodation services, other than residential accommodation, goods transport services, car rental, catering or leisure activities which must be provided on a specific date or at a specific time".

8.2. On the Vendor's part

In the event that the Seller is forced to cancel or modify an essential element (date, price, quantity) of one of the Services ordered by the Customer, the latter has the right to refuse the proposed modification and to obtain a full refund of the price of the Services ordered.


The Seller is responsible for the proper performance of the Services ordered under the conditions set out in these GTC. The Seller is only liable for the obligation of means with regard to online sales and cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet, in particular a break in service, external intrusion or the presence of a computer virus and, in general, for any other event expressly qualified by jurisprudence as a case of force majeure. The Vendor may not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for the loss or theft of Tickets or personal items belonging to Customers that have not been deposited in the place reserved for this purpose. The Seller alone is entitled to determine the conditions of operation and maintenance of the Musée de l'Illusion, according to its needs and/or constraints, and alone decides (i) the opening calendar and opening hours to the public of the Musée de l'Illusion; (ii) the services and exhibitions it offers and their conditions of use; (iii) the prices and terms of sale of the Services it offers to the public within the Musée de l'Illusion; (iv) the maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and renovation programme for all or part of the equipment; (v) the implementation of standards and rules concerning in particular the safety and health of persons and property in the Musée de l'Illusion. The Seller may, at its sole discretion, decide to close access to the public to all or part of the Musée de l'Illusion for as long as necessary, in particular to carry out work necessary for the safety and protection of visitors, or related to the maintenance, repair or renovation of all or part of the equipment of the Musée de l'Illusion, or in the event of force majeure obliging the Seller to close the Musée de l'Illusion in whole or in part.


In the event that the performance of the obligations incumbent on the Seller is delayed or prevented, in whole or in part, due to the occurrence of a case of force majeure as defined by Article 1218 of the Civil Code, the Seller shall inform the Customer by any means. In the event of force majeure, the Seller's obligations shall be automatically suspended, without the Seller being held liable in this respect. However, the Seller may propose to the Customer another date for the consumption of the Services ordered and affected by the case of force majeure.


In accordance with Article L.213-1 of the French Consumer Code, for any Order placed online on the Vendor's Web Site for an amount equal to or greater than €120, the Vendor shall ensure that the written record of the Customer's Order is kept for a period of ten (10) years from the date of delivery of the Order, and shall guarantee the Customer access to this record at any time during this same period.


Except in the event of force majeure as defined in Article 10 of the GTC, in the event of failure by the Seller to provide the Services on the date or within the period indicated to the Customer, the Customer may terminate the Agreement by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by a written document on another durable medium if, after having requested the Seller to provide the Services within a reasonable additional period of time in the same manner, the Seller has not complied with this period. The Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated upon receipt by the Seller of the letter or writing informing the Seller of such termination, unless the Seller has performed in the meantime. Nevertheless, the Customer may immediately terminate the contract if the Seller refuses to provide the Services or if he does not perform his obligation to provide the Services on the date or within the period indicated to the Customer and if this date or period constitutes an essential condition of the contract for the Customer. This essential condition results from the circumstances surrounding the conclusion of the contract or from an express request by the Customer before the conclusion of the contract (Article L216-2 of the Consumer Code).


Any complaint relating to the booking of the Services or their execution must be addressed to the Seller's Complaints Department (MUSÉE DE L'ILLUSION, 98, rue Saint-Denis - 75001 Paris, France) by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within twenty (20) days of the performance of the Services, together with all supporting documents (admission tickets) (i) issued to the Customer as part of the Order and (ii) proving the validity of the claim (medical certificate, photograph, report), failing which the claim will not be processed. For any Order placed online, complaints may also be made on the Seller's Web Site (under the heading "Contact"). Any Customer who has not received a satisfactory response to his/her complaint within sixty (60) days of contacting the Seller's Complaints Department may have recourse, free of charge, to a mediation procedure with the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman in accordance with the procedures set out on the website www.mtv.travel/ (MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage - BP 80 30375 823 Paris Cedex 17), within a maximum period of one (1) year from the date on which the Customer submitted his/her written complaint to the Seller.


The Vendor's Website is subject to French legislation on copyright and intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of the trademarks, logos or distinctive signs from the Website without the express written authorisation of the Seller is therefore prohibited within the meaning of Article L 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.


In the context of these GTC, the Seller is required to collect certain personal information and data from Customers, such as, but not limited to, their first and last names, e-mail, telephone number and address. This data is processed for the following purposes: managing the Order, access to the Musée de l'Illusion and sending commercial offers if the Customer has expressly agreed to receive offers from the Seller and/or its partners by ticking the appropriate box when placing the Order.

The Seller is responsible for the processing of

this data, which is intended for the exclusive use of the Seller and/or its partners if the Customer has expressly agreed to receive offers from the Seller and its partners.

The data collected to manage the Order shall be kept: (i) for five (5) years from the date of collection if the amount of the Order is less than €120, (ii) for ten (10) years if the amount of the Order is equal to or greater than €120.

Data relating to the bank card will be kept for fifteen (15) months after the transaction for evidence purposes in the event of a dispute over the transaction. The cryptogram is not kept after the transaction. Data collected for commercial prospecting purposes will be kept for three (3) years as from their collection. At the end of these periods, the data will be deleted. As an exception, the data collected for commercial prospecting purposes may be kept for a further period of three years if the Customer agrees to continue to receive commercial offers from the Seller and/or its partners. Each Customer has the right to access, rectify or delete personal data concerning him or her, or to obtain a restriction on the processing of such data or to object to such processing, which may be exercised as follows: by e-mail to the following address: [email protected] or by post to the following address Musée de l'Illusion, 98 rue Saint-Denis, 75001 Paris. With regard to the sending of commercial offers, the Customer has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of data concerning him at any time. The Customer has the right to make a complaint to the CNIL if he/she considers that his/her rights have not been respected. The contact details of the CNIL are as follows Comission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, 3 place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 Paris Cedex 07, France - Tel: +33 1 53 73 22 22 - Fax: +33 1 53 73 22 00 - Website: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes

In accordance with Articles L.223-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, if the Customer no longer wishes to be contacted by telephone on the number he/she has communicated to the Seller, he/she may register this telephone number at any time on the opposition list for telephone canvassing on the Internet at www.bloctel.gouv.fr or by post by writing to : Opposetel, Service Bloctel, 6 rue Nicolas Siret 10000 Troyes.


Any sale of the Services made by the Customer pursuant to the GTC is subject to French law. In accordance with the provisions of article L.211-3 of the French Consumer Code, in the event of a dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or performance of the GTC, the Customer may have recourse, free of charge, to a conventional mediation procedure under the conditions of articles L.611-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code or any other alternative dispute resolution method. The Customer is informed of the possibility of having recourse to a mediation procedure with the Center for Consumer Mediation of Justice Conciliators (49 Rue de Ponthieu 75008 Paris - [email protected] - 01 89 47 00 14) in accordance with the procedures set out on the website  www.cm2c.net, within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint made to the Seller. In the absence of an amicable settlement, the dispute may be brought before the French court with territorial jurisdiction by the most diligent party.
